FTE Behavior

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FTE Behavior

Post by jor »

I still cruise around FTE (sorry guys) but today I noted something that is really pretty far out of bounds. A new poster posted a link to a parts site for 67-72 (https://www.johnsf100.com/6772shop/index.htm). It's "John's F-Fun Hundreds." Anyhow, the moderator or some other ne'er do well left the link in place but changed the underlying code so the link does not take the user to the John's site but rather to an FTE page that explains why users should prefer FTE sponsors. In other words, the original intent of the poster has been corrupted by a surreptitious code change and the unsuspecting user is redirected to what is effectively a page admonishing him for his behavior. This is pretty low - bad form.
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re: FTE Behavior

Post by Rockcrusher »

Yeah, the Forum Fuehrer over there is pretty bizarre. Hell, they wouldn't even let me register for some obscure reason.
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re: FTE Behavior

Post by 68F250 »

That's all automatic.

Any link to a site that is not a sponsor has to go thru that little check point. At that point you just hit continue to proceed. I don't have a problem with it.
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re: FTE Behavior

Post by 68F250 »

Which remind me, John's F-Fun Hundreds is only about 10 minutes from here. I need to drop by there and check it out one of these years!
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re: FTE Behavior

Post by jor »

I have to admint that I did not see the "click here" button which allows the user to continue on to the page indicated by the link. Thanks for pointing that out. However, I still think this is dirty pool. It's almost like editing a poster's text. No big deal though. I understand the FTE approach. I had never seen it this blatant, however, and it surprised me.
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